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Bree DoschSocial Media Director

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We love Bree for her ability to always keep things lively! What does that mean? She likes to stay on the cutting edge of social media and the internet. She is the woman who manges trends and compiles data for clients to stay ahead. In her spare time she can be found at the barn or fishing at the lake.   Check out her work and style!

Real People. Real Ideas. Real Ethics.

Justin Sanders, Project Developer

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Justin is the guy who knows everyone and everyone knows him and if he doesn't he will be sure to introduce himself! We are so lucky to have him on our team to seek out and meet with potential clients and accurately describe what we can do to help them. In his spare time, Justin can be found at the shooting range or camping. Check out his work and style!

Kelli Fuson,  The Brains
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We're pretty sure her brain never slows down. A natural orator,  she is our content writer.  She wears many hats overseeing budgets, projects, staff and everything else you can think of! Kelli's favorite word might just be 'logistics'. She never stops looking for ways to improve and holds her staff to the same standards. She is as curious as a cat, learning as much as she can about almost anything. Check out her work and style!

Jordan Dyke, Creative Director

What does Jordan not do? He is one of the most versatile members of our team and that is exactly why we love him! He is a visual man and the perfect director for photoshoots and commercials. In his spare time, Jordan can be found at the theatre or writing quirky film scripts.

Check out his work and style!


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Our Philosophy

Have you ever stood in a line at the store or reached out to a call-center for help on how to fix your computer and wished that the person you were talking to or the method they were using was more sufficient? That's what we do. We identify the gaps, the problems, the headaches and we fix them to improve the experience of the customer and the efficiency of the business.


Our goal and the reason of our existence is to generate profit; however, we vow to never exploit the client or the customer's lack of knowledge in our services to create a profit.


We rely on your trust and will always ensure your security.


We will always inform you of all options and ensure that the most appropriate and cost-effective methods are chosen.


Any information you place in our hands will be protected, confidential, and will not be held hostage or used without your permission. This includes but is not limited to: passwords, images, and written content.  It's yours - you own it.


We will present the option for you to choose the level of involvement you would like – It's your project, you can be as heavily involved as you'd like or as little involved as possible.


We track track all data and compile the feedback into a report consisting of direct, email, organic, referral, and campaign web traffic. We can offer this report monthly, quarterly and bi-annually. We are happy to expain exactly what they mean and why it is imporant to know.


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